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    • Action plan includes 14 measures to further improve transparency, accountability and well-being in the workplace
    • Steps to be taken include the establishment of an independent Ombudsman

    The European Investment Bank Group has launched an ambitious action plan to further improve transparency, accountability and well-being in the workplace, including the establishment of an independent Ombudsman function.

    The Action Plan has been developed in consultation with EIB Group staff representatives within the EIB and the European Investment Fund (EIF). It is an important result of constructive cooperation between management and staff representatives, and its implementation will continue to rely on that cooperation across the Group.

    The Plan addresses areas for improvement identified in a staff survey conducted in 2023. The survey focused on the speak-up culture within the EIB Group and assessed staff awareness, confidence and trust in whistleblowing mechanisms within the Group. Results revealed strong awareness of the EIB Group’s Code of Conduct and willingness to act as witnesses for observed cases of prohibited conduct, psychological and sexual harassment, and other breaches of professional duties. The survey also highlighted areas for further improvement including the need to reinforce prevention, to increase staff’s possibilities to report cases, whistleblowers protection, and the swift and effective handling of reported cases.

    Actions to be launched include the establishment of an independent Ombudsman function to provide confidential support for staff, a reinforcement of mediation and rapid early action mechanisms to solve conflict, effective follow up to complaints, stronger procedures to deal with harassment and other forms of misconduct, and better access to information for whistleblowers and affected persons.

    Furthermore, considerations linked to good working environment and conflict management will be included in the performance objectives and evaluation of managers and a 360-degree feedback survey of senior management will be launched. Awareness raising campaigns, as well as training and regular refresher courses on the Code of Conduct, Whistleblowing Policy, and the Dignity at Work Policy will become obligatory for all staff and Management Committee members, and the Bank’s Human Resources Directorate will strengthen its monitoring of potential ‘hot spots’ in the organisation where people are reporting burn-out and other workplace-related issues. A new staff survey will be conducted in 2025.

    About the European Investment Bank

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. It is active in more than 160 countries and makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute towards EU policy goals.


