The European Commission's Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) and the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) Advisory Services Department have stepped up their cooperation in providing support to EU Member States. Following the declaration of intent signed today, the SRSS and the EIB, via the European Investment Advisory Hub, will collaborate closely to provide technical support and advice to Member States on a broad range of policy areas. The overall objective of this partnership is to continue improving Member States’ business environments by removing barriers to investment, which is a crucial part of the Juncker Plan. The SRSS and the Advisory Hub will work together to provide expertise to Member States’ authorities in areas such as public-private partnerships, support to national promotional banks and institutions, financial instruments and platforms, environmental and other sectoral reforms. For example, the partners can collaborate on designing support measures, providing advisory services and impact evaluation. The Structural Reform Support Service offers tailor-made support to all EU countries for the preparation, design and implementation of growth-enhancing reforms. The support is provided on the request of Member States, requires no co-financing and mobilises experts from all over Europe and beyond, from both the public and the private sector. The European Investment Advisory Hub is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the EIB which acts as a single point of access to advisory services to make projects ready for investment, using expertise of the EIB Group, the European Commission and other relevant institutions and services.
New Human Rights Toolkit for financial institutions
The UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) launched a new Human Rights Resource Kit which was developed with the support of the European Investment Bank. This comprehensive step-by-step tool is designed to help financial institutions integrate human rights considerations into their operations.