21 October 2005, the EIB starts a second round of public consultation on the basis of a re-edited Draft II of the Bank's Public Disclosure Policy. Draft II takes into account contributions received from the public during the first consultation period (19 May- 21 July).

The consultation process will until 18 November included. The revised policy will be presented together with a note on the public comments (from both the first and the second consultations), to EIB's Management Committee and Board of Directors.

For Comment:

Draft II Public Disclosure Policy
Public consultation process, procedures and timetable
  1. Today's announcement supersedes the announcement of 8 September 2005.
  2. The EIB disclosure and information policy was last reviewed in 2002. The Bank is now in the process of reviewing its policy to take account of evolutions in its working environment and new policy developments within the European Union, not least the actions the Bank itself has taken to increase its transparency and accountability.
  3. Interested organizations and individuals wishing to submit suggestions or comments on the revised proposal for EIB's Public Disclosure Policy are asked to do so in writing by returning the attached comments form by e-mail, fax or post. The deadline for submissions is 18 November 2005.
  4. Submissions can be drawn up in any of the official languages of the European Union.
  5. The Bank will acknowledge receipt of all contributions.
  6. Organizations presenting a submission are requested to provide the name and address of their organisation with a contact name and a brief description of their objectives.
  7. Individual members of the public are requested to provide their full name and address, and optionally, a brief explanation of their interest in the EIB's activities and / or disclosure policy.
  8. Contributions, in line with point 3 above and provided that they comply with law and regulations, will be carefully analysed and included in a report on the consultation process. This will be submitted alongside the draft review of the EIB's Public Disclosure Policy when it is presented to the Bank's Management Committee and its Board of Directors.
  9. After Board approval, the revised policy will be published on the website, together with the explanatory report submitted to the Board, and written submissions from the public received during the consultation process.
  10. The report will be kept on the website for two months.
  11. Contributors to the consultation process will be directly informed of the outcome.
  12. Public consultation meeting, Brussels, 18 November
    The Bank will hold a public consultation meeting in Brussels on 18 November to discuss with interested parties the Draft II. The meeting will start at 11.00 at the EIB's Brussels Office (Rue de la Loi 227, B-1040 Brussels, Tel: +32 2 235 00 70). Those intending to attend are asked to register in advance and send the registration form to Matilde del Valle (m.delvalle@eib.org, Tel: +352 43 79 31 53).

For further information please contact:

21 October Launch of the second round of public consultation. Draft II of revised Public Disclosure Policy posted on the website for comments. The EIB will also inform organizations and individuals, who have shown a particular interest in its disclosure policy.
18 November Public consultation meeting in Brussels.
18 November Deadline for submitting comments on the draft policy.
To be announced Draft policy presented to EIB Board of Directors, together with a report on the consultation process and public comments.
To be announced New Public Disclosure Policy published on EIB website, together with the report. The report will be kept on the website for two months. External contributors will also be informed directly of the new policy and the report.