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Your privacy

On this page, you will find short links pointing to your data collected by the European Investment Bank (EIB)

Privacy policy

Visitors to the EIB website

EIB newsletters – privacy statement

Registered visitors of EIB events

Lending and other investment activities

Data Protection Statement for investigations

Personal data for recruitment

Technical assistance procurement activities

Reviewing complaints related to procurement

Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML-CFT) activities

ELENA facility activities

EIB Group Complaints Mechanism

Microsoft 365 services, including MS Teams

Personal data for exclusion policy

Litigation before the Court of Justice of the EU

Personal data in the course of EIB’s Treasury and Capital Markets Department telephone calls recording

Data Protection Statement – Internal review of administrative acts under the Aarhus Regulation

Data Protection Statement for Internal Audit activities

Register of Records

Privacy questions