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    JASPERS provides since 2006 free assistance to local authorities and promoters in delivering high-quality projects for EU-funded investments, with a focus on cohesion.

    Co-funded by the European Commission, JASPERS is EIB’s largest advisory programme.

    How it works

    JASPERS offers project advice and technical training free of charge to national, regional and local authorities, as well as other beneficiaries of EU funds, to ensure that projects are carried out to the highest social and environmental standards. This enables beneficiaries to develop projects independently and thoroughly, taking into account a wide variety of factors and complexities, and increases their chances of receiving and deploying EU funding.

    Together we prepare projects to:

    • build sustainable transport,
    • cut fossil fuel use,
    • expand innovation,
    • enhance education,
    • offer better healthcare,
    • improve access to clean water and waste management,
    • promote a circular economy, and
    • support the green transition.

    We provide assistance for projects in the European Union, Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood countries.

    Within the European Union, JASPERS combines the policy expertise of the European Commission and the project experience of the EIB. The programme is available to beneficiaries of the following EU grant funds:

    • European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), including the Just Transition Fund (JTF), and
    • Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funds.

    In focus

    EIB JASPERS in 2023

    In 2023, JASPERS helped many projects prepare for implementation and obtain financing from European funds. Later on, some of these projects may also receive funding from the European Investment Bank.