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Neighbourhood Investment Platform

Supporting critical infrastructure projects and private sector development in EU’s Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood

The Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP) is an EU regional blending facility that addresses critical funding gaps in the EU’s Southern and Eastern neighbourhood.

Financed under NDICI – Global Europe, NIP aims to boost economic development and improve living standards for citizens in the two regions. We mobilise through the facility additional funding to finance capital-intensive infrastructure projects. We also aim for the development of the private sector, mainly through support for small businesses.

How it works

NIP supports investments that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The facility prioritises projects with a special focus on:

  • climate,
  • social inclusion and human development,
  • gender equality, and
  • biodiversity.

The facility pools grant resources from the EU budget and Member States to leverage financing from the EIB, partnering financial institutions and public and private investors.

We can support clients with:

  • investment grants,
  • technical assistance,
  • interest rate subsidies, and
  • risk capital operations.

What is eligible

The facility can support projects that contribute to any of the following areas:

  • Health
  • Water supplies and sanitation
  • Other social infrastructures and services
  • Transport and storage
  • Energy
  • Banking and financial services
  • Business and other services
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing
  • Industry
  • General environment protection
  • Multi-sector
  • Development food assistance

Geographic scope

The facility is available in the following regions:

* This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the positions of EU countries on this issue.

** The EIB will start operating in Libya when a Framework Agreement is signed, but negotiations with the country are on hold. Following EU sanctions against Syria in November 2011, the EIB suspended all loan and advisory activity in the country.

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How to get support

Contact the EIB Information Desk for enquiries regarding the financing facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB.

European Union

NDICI – Global Europe

EIB Global

What is blending?

Blending involves the strategic use of a limited amount of grant resources to catalyse additional financing for development projects. Grants are often combined with loans, equity, beneficiary resources or other forms of financing, with the aim of de-risking projects and making them bankable. Blending allows partners to get the most out of their grant resources and enhance their overall development impact.

Our blending facilities

The European Investment Bank carries out global blending operations through seven regional investment facilities and other thematic blending funds.