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The European Investment Bank and the Regional Development Agencies of South Muntenia, North-West, North-East, Centre, South-West Oltenia and South-East are working together to increase energy efficiency and to improve business and tourism infrastructure in these regions.

Under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the EIB and the Regional Development Agencies created a holding fund for the programming period 2021-2027 in the form of the Multiregional Investment Platform. The EIB manages €400 million on behalf of the Regional Development Agencies.

This holding fund is one of the financial instruments that the EIB is deploying in EU countries. Read more about our shared management funds and financial instruments.

Investing in energy efficiency, business and tourism infrastructure

The investment platform can provide financing for:

This financial instrument provides financing – in the form of preferential loans combined with grants – for projects reducing energy consumption and energy losses in single-family houses in the regions of South Muntenia, North-West, Centre, South-West Oltenia and South-East.  Energy-efficient houses will produce fewer emissions and improve the standard of living of households.

What is eligible

We finance upgrades of single-family houses with a minimum energy efficiency increase of 30% for South Muntenia, Centre, South-West Oltenia and South-East, and 40% for North-West region.

Eligible projects include:

  • thermal upgrade of houses
  • replacement of roofing, windows, exterior doors and lighting
  • modernisation of heating, hot water, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • construction and redevelopment of renewable energy installations
  • implementation of building management systems
  • complementary investments

Who can apply

Owners of single-family houses can apply for financing.

This financial instrument provides financing – in the form of preferential loans combined with grants – for projects improving energy efficiency in public buildings in the regions of North-East and Centre. 

What is eligible

We finance upgrades of public buildings with a minimum energy efficiency increase of 40% for the region of North-East, and 60% for the region of Centre.

Eligible projects include:

  • thermal upgrade of buildings
  • replacement of roofing, windows, exterior doors and lighting
  • modernisation of heating, hot water, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • construction and redevelopment of renewable energy installations
  • modernisation of elevators
  • implementation of building management systems
  • complementary investments

Who can apply

Local and central public administration, and public universities can apply for financing.

This financial instrument provides financing – in the form of preferential loans combined with grants – for projects supporting business environment facilities in the South Muntenia region, in particular business incubators and industrial parks.

What is eligible

Eligible projects include:

  • Establishment, development and operationalisation of business incubators and industrial parks, including the provision of specialised services necessary for the development of hosted companies
  • Supporting clusters and business networks, including for the development of interregional, international and intersectoral collaboration.

Who can apply

Enterprises and local and central public authorities can apply for financing.

This financial instrument provides financing – in the form of preferential loans combined with grants – for projects supporting tourism infrastructure in urban and non-urban areas of the South Muntenia region.

What is eligible

Projects eligible for financing include theconstruction, modernisation and extension of tourism and/or leisure infrastructure as part of urban/county development strategies.

Who can apply

Local and central public authorities can apply for financing.

About the European Structural and Investment Funds

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is designed to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union.

It aims to do this by correcting imbalances between regions enabling investments in a smarter, greener, more connected and more social Europe that is closer to its citizens.

Poland and the EIB generic split image/text component.

Romania and the EIB