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€ 100,000,000
Italy : € 100,000,000
Composite infrastructure : € 100,000,000
Signature date(s)
27/10/2003 : € 100,000,000
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News & Stories

Press release

EUR 100 mio for the Region Sardinia, Italy

28 October 2003

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a loan of EUR 100 million to finance investment planned under the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) of the Region of Sardinia.

The loan - the first tranche of an overall package of EUR 200 million - is being granted at a variable rate and will run for 15 years.

The EIB's operation will complement the financial support from the Structural Funds envisaged for the period 2000-2006. In particular, it will finance the regional component of the ROP, for which the rest of the funding will come from EU, national and private sources.

The investment programme encompasses infrastructural works (water management, afforestation, environmental monitoring measures, promotion of renewable energy) and incentives for private-sector [...]

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