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    € 300,000,000
    Czechia : € 300,000,000
    Transport : € 300,000,000
    Signature date(s)
    22/09/2003 : € 75,000,000
    7/09/2007 : € 225,000,000
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    Summary sheet

    Release date
    31 July 2002
    Signed | 22/09/2003
    Project name
    Promoter - financial intermediary
    Prague Metro II – AFI
    DP HMP (Municipal Transport company).
    Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)
    Total cost (Approximate amount)
    Possibly up to EUR 350 mio
    EUR 465 mio

    The project concerns the second section of the extension to line C to the north-eastern region of the city.

    The north-eastern area of Prague is subject of significant demographic and economic development but is not well served by public transport, with heavy reliance on buses using congested and polluted roads. The extended metro is expected to have a catalytic effect on the economy of these developing areas, e.g. to Prague's only exhibition sites with the potential to expand. Economic benefits are expected to result from reduction of passenger time losses, as well as reduced pollution. It is estimated that the new section will serve 30,000 passengers during the peak hour and 30 million passengers per year by 2010.

    Environmental aspects

    The project falls under the types listed in Annex II of Directive 97/11/EC and the competent authority, the Ministry of Environment, has decided that a formal EIA with public consultation is not required. Nevertheless in order to obtain the construction permit detailed submissions need to be made, including the environmental impacts, and these have therefore been well studied. During construction the main impacts are noise, dust and spoil disposal and suitable mitigating measures have been devised. In the operation stage the reduction in car and bus traffic causes a net improvement in noise, vibration and air quality along the route.

    International competitive bidding for the construction works and material.

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    Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
    They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).

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