Summary sheet
For the power plant: Itezhi-Tezhi Power Corportion, Attn. Mr Robert Nsamba, Director
Phone +260 (211) 239 343 Fax +260 (211) 239 343 e-mail:
For the transmision lines: ZESCO, Mr. Julius Kampamba Acting Senior Manager Transmission Development
Phone +260 (211) 363 521 e-mail:
The project consists of a new 120 MW hydropower plant, benefiting from the use of an existing dam and a reservoir infrastructure, and a 260 km extension of the 220/330 kV transmission system to supply renewable energy to meet the growing demand of the country and the region.
The project is expected to provide electricity at a competitive cost to the Zambian and Southern Africa regional electricity networks. The majority of the power plant projects currently under implementation in the region are based on conventional coal-fired technology. This project will therefore contribute to avoiding emissions of CO2 and other harmful air pollutants. The Zambian electricity network has a severe generation deficit, which has resulted in load shedding and related damages to the economy of the country and of the region. The project is in line with the economic development and environmental objectives of the Cotounou Mandate, as well as the EU’s environmental policies with respect to climate change and renewable energy.
Due to its size and technical characteristics the power plant, if located inside the EU, would be classified under Annex II of the EIA Directive and the high voltage overhead transmission lines under Annex I, requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment. The promoters have implemented two EIAs, one for the power plant and another one for transmission investments. Both EIAs cover the cumulative effects of the project. The project will comply with the Bank’s environmental and social guidelines, including appropriate public consultation and mitigation of impacts on biodiversity.
The promoters will be required to conduct procurement for the project components in line with the Banks Guide to Procurement.
Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).
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