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The comfort of running water in Senegal

Senegal’s water crisis is made worse by climate change. New infrastructure offers relief for more than a million people across the country.

First signature
EUR 70,050,000
Water, sewerage
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Amount (.*)
€ 70,050,000
Senegal : € 70,050,000
Water, sewerage : € 70,050,000
Signature date(s)
27/12/2022 : € 5,550,000
9/02/2021 : € 64,500,000
(*) Including a € 5,550,000 Investment Grants provided by the AFRICA INVESTMENT PLATFORM
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Summary sheet

Release date
10 November 2020
Signed | 09/02/2021
Project name
Promoter - financial intermediary
Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)
Total cost (Approximate amount)
EUR 70 million
EUR 79 million
  • Water, sewerage - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

Projet de renforcement des systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau potable des villes de Saint-Louis, Kaolack et Kolda et appui à la campagne nationale de branchements sociaux en réponse à la crise sanitaire COVID-19.

Le projet vise à améliorer de façon durable l'accès universel à une eau potable de qualité, ce qui aura un fort impact social (en particulier pour les personnes vulnérables) et permettra une croissance économique plus inclusive. Le projet s'inscrit également dans le cadre de la réponse nationale face à la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19, en soutenant les mesures d'hygiène imposées par la survenue de la pandémie telles que le lavage des mains.

Environmental aspects

Le projet sera bénéfique en matière d'environnement à travers la gestion durable des ressources en eau, ainsi que du point de vue de la santé publique. Les impacts environnementaux ont été identifiés dans les études d'impacts environnementaux et sociaux (EIES) préliminaires. Ces dernières seront finalisées lors des études d'exécution. Les mesures d'atténuation appropriées seront incluses dans le plan associé de gestion environnementale et sociale (PGES), dont la mise en œuvre incombera aux entreprises de travaux.

La Banque exigera que le Promoteur s'assure que la mise en œuvre du projet est réalisée conformément au Guide de Passation des Marchés de la Banque.

Under Global Europe NDICI guarantee

Dans le cadre de la garantie EFSD+

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Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).


Environmental and Social Data Sheet (ESDS) - SENEGAL EAU POTABLE & COVID-19
Publication Date
29 Dec 2020
Document language
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Document Number
Document Focus
Environmental Information
Project Number
Publicly available
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News & Stories

Inside the project

How and Why

Weathering climate change


  • Senegal’s population boom and severe droughts intensify pressure on already scarce water resources
  • If there’s no water in smaller cities, people will be displaced from their homes as they migrate to find a better way of life
  • Scarce water adds to existing health problems from airborne and waterborne diseases.


  • At the end of the project, the town of Saint-Louis in northern Senegal will have a new drinking water treatment plant, reservoir units for storage and   the extension of the distribution network
  • The towns of Kolda and Kaolack in Senegal’s centre and south will also benefit from similar facilities
  • The project helps meet the growing demand for water and reduces disparities in the country.

Sectors & Countries


Water for all in Senegal

  • 634 000 people benefit from a strengthened water network and improved quality drinking water
  • 35 000 subsidised drinking water connections for 350 000 beneficiaries.
I’m proud to be part of a project which has helped vulnerable communities in Senegal.
François-Xavier Parant

senior European Investment Bank loan officer





Fresh hope

Comfort is having a running tap.
Marie Sall

Resident of Saint-Louis and mother of five children


Marie Sall woke up before dawn hoping to fill a barrel while the water was running, so that her household of seven could drink and wash all day. But the taps have been empty for weeks in the Pikine district of Saint-Louis. “I wish I had some comfort one day,” says Sall. “Comfort is having a running tap.”

Fresh hope takes the shape of a €64.5 million European Investment Bank loan coupled with a €5.55 million European Union grant to the Republic of Senegal. The financing will bring drinking water to Sall and all the other residents of Saint-Louis, Kaolack and Kolda.


Listen to our podcast on the digital future of water systems all around the world:




We’ve had the comfort of being accompanied by a solid partner.
Abdou Diouf

Director of the works on behalf of the Société Nationale des Eaux du Sénégal

A long-term and close relationship

The European Investment Bank’s team approved the three-town project remotely and quickly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We were able to fast-track appraisal, as we leveraged on this long-term and close relationship. We knew how the water company worked, and they knew us well, too,” says Parant. “This project is our fifth with Société Nationale des Eaux du Sénégal since 1995.”

Previous loans to the water company in Senegal focussed on the capital Dakar.

Under pandemic emergency measures, the European Investment Bank financed  almost 90% of the project costs, compared with its standard maximum of 50%. The Bank’s additional funding helped the Senegalese government free €34 million to use for the economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

Previous loans to the water company in Senegal focussed on the capital Dakar.


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