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    € 145,000,000
    Romania : € 145,000,000
    Water, sewerage : € 72,500,000
    Energy : € 72,500,000
    Signature date(s)
    22/12/2023 : € 72,500,000
    22/12/2023 : € 72,500,000
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    Summary sheet

    Release date
    29 November 2023
    Signed | 22/12/2023
    Project name
    Promoter - financial intermediary
    Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)
    Total cost (Approximate amount)
    EUR 145 million
    EUR 316 million
    • Energy - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
    • Water, sewerage - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

    The project concerns the design and construction of a tritium removal facility to improve radiation safety at the nuclear power plant.

    The aim is to remove radioactive tritium from reactor coolant and moderator and consequently to reduce radiation exposure of personnel, the radioactivity level of controlled releases and the amount of radioactive waste. After removal of tritium the reactor coolant and moderator can be safely reused. Therefore, the project will improve radiation safety, operational efficiency and environmental sustainability of the power plant, as well as occupational and public health and safety. It will allow simplified and more efficient planning and execution of regular maintenance works, the planned refurbishments and the final decommissioning of the nuclear units. Shortening the outage periods would result in incremental electricity production. In addition, the removed tritium as a rare radioactive isotope has significant strategic value as a critical material needed in the development process of another promising low-carbon power generation technology, nuclear fusion. Tritium is also required for some emerging technologies to produce nuclear medicine isotopes.

    Environmental aspects

    The project has been subject to an Environmental impact assessment (EIA) process including public consultations and the transboundary context. The potential impacts associated with the project include construction health and safety, hazardous materials and waste, workers exposure to harmful impacts, community impacts and stakeholder engagement. However, with mitigation measures implemented, including good construction practice measures, monitoring and remedial actions the effects on environment are not considered significant. The environmental benefits of the project include reduction of radioactivity level of controlled releases, amount of radioactive waste, and radiation exposure of personnel. The decision of the competent authority was issued in January 2023.

    The promoter is a state-owned company operating in utilities sector (electricity). The Bank required the promoter to ensure procurement of the contracts for implementation of the project in accordance with the applicable EU public procurement legislation with publication of tender notices in the EU Official Journal, as and where required.

    Under appraisal
    15 November 2023
    22 December 2023
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    Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
    They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).


    Environmental and Social Data Sheet (ESDS) - NUCLEAR SAFETY PROJECT ROMANIA
    Publication Date
    29 Nov 2023
    Document language
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    Document Number
    Document Focus
    Environmental Information
    Project Number
    Publicly available
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    Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) - NUCLEAR SAFETY PROJECT ROMANIA - Raport privind impactul asupra mediului
    Publication Date
    30 Nov 2023
    Document language
    Main Topic
    Document Number
    Document Focus
    Environmental Information
    Project Number
    Publicly available
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