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€ 260,000,000
Spain : € 260,000,000
Water, sewerage : € 260,000,000
Signature date(s)
25/09/2024 : € 260,000,000
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Summary sheet

Release date
8 May 2024
Signed | 25/09/2024
Project name
Promoter - financial intermediary
Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)
Total cost (Approximate amount)
EUR 360 million
EUR 480 million
  • Water, sewerage - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

Catalonia Water Infrastructure aims to finance improvements and extension of existing water infrastructure to ensure quality water supply and resilience towards climate change (quality and water availability) in the province of Barcelona in the region of Catalonia in Spain.

The operation concerns the main investments to be undertaken by the public entity, Ter-Llobregat Water Supply Body (ATL), in charge of upstream water intakes in the rivers Ter and Llobregat, its treatment, storage and supply to the downstream municipalities and utilities. The main project components are (i) Maintenance capital expenditures of the existence installations and the extension to new populations under scope (ii) doubling tranche IV of the main transport pipe from Ter to Trinitat (Barcelona) (iii) Upgrade of Ter Water Treatment Plant (WTP) (iv) Upgrade and extension of Abrera WTP. The project will be implemented in the province of Barcelona (ES511), a More Developed Region.

Additionality and Impact

The operation concerns the main investments to be undertaken by the public entity Ens D'Abastament D'Aigua, in charge of upstream water intakes in the rivers Ter and Llobregat, its treatment, storage and supply to the downstream municipalities and utilities. The main Project components are: (i) Regular investments targeting the existing infrastructure and the extension to new populations under scope (ii) doubling partially the main transport pipeline from Ter to Trinitat (Barcelona) (iii) Upgrade of Ter Water Treatment Plant (iv) Upgrade and extension of Abrera Water Treatment Plant. The investments will be implemented in the province of Barcelona, region Catalonia (Spain).

The operation is aligned with the Bank's Public Policy Goal: "Sustainable energy and natural resources", namely: "Water, wastewater and waste management". It is eligible under Article 309 (c ). The operation is aligned with the 2023 EIB Water Sector Orientation. It is expected to have 100% CAES contribution, with c. 93% Climate Action for Adaptation and 100% Water contribution in Environmental Sustainability. Sustainable Awareness Bonds contribution is 100%. The large Adaptation contribution enables the Bank to propose a loan above the usual percentage of 50% of the Project cost (requested 75%).

No derogations from EIB policies are foreseen.


The EIB financing addresses market failures concerning public goods provision (water) and climate externalities (adaptation), as well as access to finance and public health benefits (improved water quality), which would not be realised to the same extent without public intervention.

The financing proposed offers features such as revisable rates and longer grace periods and tenors than available in the market at present.

Environmental aspects

From the environmental perspective, no components require EIA, only component (ii) requires DIA (Declaración Integrada Ambiental). To be checked during appraisal. The project components will be aligned with relevant sectorial EU Directives: Water Framework Directive, EIA, Birds, Habitats, Biodiversity, Groundwater and Nitrates. The environmental and social impacts of the components are expected to be low. The actions to be implemented are included in the current River Basin Management Plan Conca Fluvial de Catalunya 2021-2027. The project is expected to contribute to climate action and environmental sustainability (CA&ES) objectives, in particular to climate adaptation and sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources.

The Bank will require the promoter to ensure that contracts for implementation of the project will be tendered in accordance with the applicable EU procurement legislation, Directive 2014/23/EU / 2014/24/EU / 2014/25/EU as well as Directive 92/13/EEC or Directive 89/665/EEC] as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the EU, with publication of tender notices in the EU Official Journal, as and where required.

Under appraisal
26 July 2024
25 September 2024
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Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).


Environmental and Social Data Sheet (ESDS) - CATALONIA WATER INFRASTRUCTURE
Publication Date
13 Aug 2024
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Environmental Information
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