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    Reference: 20230374
    Release date: 10 October 2023

    Promoter – Financial Intermediary




    The project includes investments in the public transport (PT) and district heating (DH) networks as follows: rehabilitation of approximately 50 kms of tram tracks including platforms and the related contact network, tram acquisition, depot modernisation and rehabilitation of the hot water transmission pipelines by replacing approx. 106 km channel length of pipes.


    The project is part of a wider programme of transport and district heating investments carried out by the Municipality of Bucharest to modernise and increase the performance of existing urban infrastructure and benefits from EU co-financing. The loan will contribute to improving quality, reliability, safety and accessibility of the tram system and increase the energy efficiency of the Bucharest district heating system as well as the level of service provided to households.


    • Energy - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
    • Transport - Transportation and storage

    Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)

    EUR 300 million

    Total cost (Approximate amount)

    EUR 1340 million

    Environmental aspects

    The promoter's environmental management capacity to apply the relevant EU Directives will be further verified during appraisal, particularly with regard to EU EIA Directive 2011/92/EU amended by 2014/52/EU, EU SEA Directive 2001/42/EC, EU Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, EU Birds Directive 2009/147/EC and Water Framework Directive.


    The Bank will require the promoter to ensure that contracts for implementation of the project have been and will be tendered in accordance with EU procurement legislation, 2014/25/EU or 2014/24/EU where applicable as well as Directive 92/13/EEC or Directive 89/665/EEC as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the EU, with publication of tender notices in the EU Official Journal, as and where required.


    Approved - 15/11/2023

    Under appraisal
    15 November 2023


    Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
    They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).

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    Romania Energy Transport