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At the heart of European policy, the expansion of the Trans-European Transport and Energy Networks (TENs) remains one of our key objectives. Trans-European transport links increase the potential to generate trade, foster economic growth and boost competitiveness.

The EU’s Trans-European Networks policy links regional and national infrastructure to create coherent European systems. This includes both interconnection and interoperability, mainly for transport and energy, but also Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Eligible countries

Our approach

The promotion of clean transport and energy infrastructure also contributes to the EIB’s long-term corporate objectives of sustainable, competitive and secure energy, as well as environmental protection and improvement.  

We promote high-quality infrastructure:

  • supporting the links between the 27 EU Member States and connecting the EU and the countries of the European Neighbourhood area,
  • further enhancing interconnection and interoperability of existing national networks and access to the basic networks,
  • ensuring that the benefits of the Trans-European Networks permeate over the whole EU territory.

Our support

The EIB contributes real value added to TENs energy and transport infrastructure projects, relying on its ability to:

  • mobilise on competitive terms the large amounts necessary to co-finance the building of this infrastructure;
  • offer maturities tailored to the long construction and operating periods of the schemes concerned;
  • provide structured finance as a complement to commercial bank and capital market funding.

Our stories

Our products

We have a wide range of products to support public and private investments offering flexibility, expertise and creativity to get projects off the ground:

This designation is without prejudice to the positions expressed by the EU Member States on Kosovo’s status and is in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1244/1999 and the International Court of Justice Opinion of 22 July 2010 on Kosovo’s declaration of independence.