Financing climate action worldwide
We invest in projects that mitigate global warming by reducing, preventing or absorbing greenhouse gas emissions. We also support projects that help us adapt to the effects of climate change, making our communities more resilient.
Our products and services
We offer innovative financing solutions, as well as technical and financial expertise for projects that are good for people and planet.
Who is eligible
As the climate bank, we are committed to support our clients' transition towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future: in other words, to align our operations over time with the goals and principles of the Paris Agreement.
Are you a borrower?
Find out if your project qualifies for public, private or intermediary financing under our framework.
Are you an intermediary lender?
Find out if a project qualifies for financing and estimate expected environmental impacts with our green eligibility checker.
In focus
Our climate and environment financing
In 2023, we committed €44.3 billion to climate action and environmental sustainability, putting us on target to meet our goal of increasing our annual financing in these areas to more than 50% by 2025.
Our stories
Individual stories speak far louder than figures and charts. Learn how our work is leading the way to a greener future.
Our publications
Understanding climate action and environmental sustainability is key to taking action. Explore our latest research, economic studies, surveys and other resources.