The Evaluation function (IG/EV) of the European Investment Bank Group (EIBG) promotes accountability through evidence-based assessments of the Group’s performance and results. It also contributes to learning, feedback and knowledge sharing to inform EIB Group decisions on policies, strategies, products, projects and organisational matters, and to improve performance.
In 2023, IG/EV finalised three evaluations and launched four new ones on topics such as EIB Group’s Gender Strategy and its Climate Bank Roadmap. A highlight of 2023 was also the conference on the role of evaluation in a rapidly changing world that IG/EV organised.
The work programme for 2024-2026 prioritises evaluations on subjects that can make the highest contribution to improving the EIB’s performance and to helping it maintain the cap on delivering its policy objectives. It includes evaluations of the European Guarantee Fund, the EIB Energy Lending Policy and the Additionality and Impact Measurement Framework.
All editions of this publication
- Evaluation Activity Report 2021 and Work Programme 2022-2024
- Operations Evaluation Activity Report 2020 and Work Programme 2021-2023
- Operations Evaluation Activity Report 2019 and Work Programme 2020-2022
- Operations Evaluation Activity report 2016-2018 and Work programme 2019-2021
- Operations Evaluation Overview Report 2009
- Operations Evaluation Overview Report 2007
- Operations Evaluation Overview Report 2006
- Operations Evaluation Overview Report 2005
- Operations Evaluation Activity report 2014-2015 and Work programme 2016-2018