This carbon footprint report will help the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Investment Fund (EIF) and more importantly their executive management committee, their employees, their purchasing decision makers, their members, all related stakeholders, and public entities to have a better comprehension of the banks impact on climate change and to see how it improved or not compared to last year and how they can continue trying to improve it year on year. It will also facilitate decision making in respect to internal carbon abatement. The report will act as a sort of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to inform, educate and encourage proactive action and corporate social responsibility. A clear overview of the current carbon footprint of the EIB has been mapped out in this report. One can only control what one measures and being conscious of ones personal carbon emissions is the first important step towards a low carbon economy.
This carbon report, prepared by CO2logic is divided into two parts. The first part provides an analysis of the CO2 emissions emitted by the organisations for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2009. The final part investigates the company’s exposure to a carbon tax or a cap and trade system.
All editions of this publication
- Carbon Footprint Report 2022
- Carbon Footprint Report 2021
- Carbon Footprint Report 2020
- EIB Group Carbon Footprint Report 2019
- EIB Group Carbon Footprint Report 2018
- Carbon Footprint Report 2017
- Carbon Footprint Report 2016
- Carbon Footprint Report 2015
- Carbon Footprint Report 2014
- Carbon Footprint Report 2013
- Carbon Footprint Report 2012
- Carbon Footprint Report 2011
- Carbon Footprint Report 2010
- Carbon Footprint Report 2008
- Carbon Footprint Report 2007