In compiling the 2006 Corporate Responsibility report we have taken into consideration the reasonable expectations of our stakeholders regarding disclosure. The Bank considers CR reporting to be a key element of transparency and accountability and as a tool for engaging with stakeholders.
The Corporate Responsibility Report 2006 provides details of the Bank's activities during 2006. It especially offers insights into the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the Bank's lending activities over the year, which aim notably to ensure the continued promotion of sustainable development (while supporting Community policies).
Prior to the compilation of the report, and in order to better shape it, an internal CR self-assessment and stakeholder identification exercise was carried out with the assistance of external experts. In compiling this report, EIB followed the new version (G3) of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. Furthermore, the report was independently certified by the 'Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE)', a consultancy firm.