This study gives an overview of the current community-oriented economy (COE) situation in three countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt), examining the growth sectors, methods of financing and legal framework and identifying the main obstacles to development of the COE. The study reveals major job creation potential and explores new ways to develop it.
The study suggests creating an environment that is genuinely conducive to the development of the COE in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. As well as identifying sectors offering development opportunities (insurance, mutuals, etc.), it proposes financial tools that could be based on dedicated private banking sector structures formed around ethical banks to provide adequate support.
To build a coherent, coordinated and effective ecosystem, the study also suggests matching social impact investments to the needs of COE structures. The aim is to provide a genuine response to the lack of financing and a comprehensive solution to speeding up the development of finance geared to social utility.
This study was carried out by the Euro-Mediterranean Forum for Economic Science Institutes (FEMISE) with the financial support of the FEMIP Trust Fund.