This report presents the results of the interim evaluation of the ongoing JASPERS[1] initiative, and has been carried out by the independent evaluation service of the EIB group with a view to identifying aspects which could improve operational performance, accountability and transparency. The evaluation concentrates on the EIB role in contributing to and managing the JASPERS initiative and is based on the ex post findings of 51 assignments completed by JASPERS between 2006 and 2009 (a sample of over 20% of completed assignments during the first four years of the initiative) including 15 relating to projects which were already confirmed for funding by the Commission (DG Regio).
In accordance with the Terms of Reference of Operations Evaluation (EV), the response of the Bank’s Management Committee is published alongside the report. Exceptionally, the comments of the Commission (DG Regio) have also been published alongside the report.
[1]Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European RegionS. The initiative was initially conceived to operate during the 2007-2013 programming period but began operating in 2006.