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Part of the series :
The Luxembourg-EIB Climate Finance Platform (LCFP) was created by the Luxembourg Government and the European Investment Bank to take the risk out of investing in climate action projects in EU partner regions around the world. In this publication, you can find out how the LCFP works, where it is already active and improving lives, and how other investors can get involved.
All publications in this series
- Gender-lens investing with the European Investment Bank for banks and funds becoming 2X Challenge partners
- The EIB Institute: Highlights 2022
- EIB Global: Partnerships, People, Impact
- EIB Global: Partnerships Worldwide
- The path to a better planet
- Luxembourg-EIB Climate Finance Platform
- Our contribution to combating the coronavirus
- EIB healthcare investments in the Western Balkan countries: Overview
- Keeping society running in a crisis
- EIB support for vaccines, treatments and diagnostics
- SME Access to Finance Initiative