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Security and defence is one of the European Investment Bank Group’s core strategic priorities. As part of its Security and Defence Industry Action Plan, launched in May 2024, the Group set up a one-stop-shop for security and defence, including a dedicated Security and Defence Office working alongside a network of Defence Champions from across the EIB Group. Hristo Stoykov, head of the Security and Defence Office, explains the benefits. 

What is the one-stop-shop for security and defence?

The one-stop shop is a key element of the EIB Group’s new Security and Defence Action Plan. It features a centralised Security and Defence Office working alongside a network of Defence Champions appointed across the EIB Group. This multi-service team structure aims to break down silos and provide a comprehensive service with a common objective. 

The Security and Defence Office, which I lead, is staffed with highly skilled professionals with diverse expertise to efficiently coordinate the EIB Group’s lending and advisory activities in the sector. 

Why was it set up?

The one-stop shop was established to offer streamlined financial support and expert assistance, to make it easier for European security and defence companies to access EIB Group support. Our goal is to accelerate investment and deployment of the €6 billion in funding still available under the Strategic European Security Initiative, and further boost our support to the European security and defence industry.  

What is the benefit to clients?

The Security and Defence Office provides a single point of entry for clients and external stakeholders ensuring effective coordination of the EIB Group’s teams to find the right solution for their financing needs. Our aim is to facilitate and simplify access to EIB financing. 

Who can use the service?

Any European-based firm or innovator active in the security and defence industry can reach out to us. EIB Group financing for the security and defence industry is available only to companies domiciled within the European Union. 

How should prospective clients contact the one-stop-shop?

We recommend contacting us by filling in the dedicated questionnaire available on the EIB website. This questionnaire will guide you in providing the necessary information to effectively pre-assess your request. Creating an account is required, but it is a quick process.

How much interest has there been since its inception?

We have made substantial progress in implementing our action plan. Our Security and Defence Office was operational in record time. The team has been screening proposals and interacting with policy makers, companies and finance institutions since early May. A dedicated website was launched simultaneously, attracting over 10 000 unique visits in the first six months. We have handled close to 400 requests about clarifications on definitions, eligibilities, and financing conditions.  

In line with our commitment to strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders, we signed cooperation agreements with the NATO Innovation Fund in July and with the European Defence Agency in October 2024. Regular exchanges are also taking place with the European Commission.  

The EIB Group action plan has been presented to the defence industry at several official events, and we are currently rolling out a roadshow in EU capitals to spread the word and promote our new initiatives for the defence sector. 

The market dynamics are changing quickly, also in response to the geopolitical situation. We continue to monitor market developments and will develop financing solutions to address the market's changing needs. In the coming months, we will continue to focus on developing a robust pipeline of flagship dual-use projects across Europe and opening our SME credit lines, channeled via local banks, to companies active in the defence sector.