Pour beaucoup, cela s’apparente à un conte de fées : on investit un peu d’argent de manière avisée et, trois ans plus tard, cette somme a été multipliée par 15. Pourtant, c’est précisément l’objectif que le Groupe Banque européenne d’investissement et la Commission européenne se sont fixé afin de relancer l’économie à l’issue de la crise économique et financière. Avec le Plan d’investissement pour l’Europe, les deux institutions se sont engagées à mobiliser 315 milliards d’euros d’investissements supplémentaires dans l’UE d’ici le milieu de l’année 2018. Un programme de garantie de 21 milliards d’euros, le Fonds européen pour les investissements stratégiques (FEIS), a été mis en place pour tenir cet engagement.
Cette garantie a constitué le premier des trois piliers du Plan d’investissement, les deux autres se concentrant sur le conseil en investissement et la création d’un environnement plus favorable aux investisseurs. En 2017, le FEIS a gagné en volume, avec pour nouvel objectif d’appuyer 500 milliards d’euros d’investissements, notamment en mobilisant des capitaux provenant de sources privées. Le FEIS est parvenu à dépasser son objectif, tout en atténuant les répercussions de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur l’économie européenne.
C’est en décembre 2020 que le comité d’investissement du FEIS a approuvé les derniers projets dans ce cadre. En 2022, s’appuyant sur le succès du FEIS, InvestEU a pris le relais en tant que nouveau programme de financement à long terme de l’Union européenne.
Chiffres clés
540,3 milliards d’euros
Total des investissements liés aux opérations approuvées au titre du FEIS
102,1 milliards d’euros
de financements approuvés
Quelque 1 500 000
PME bénéficiaires potentielles
Aider là où les besoins sont les plus grands
Promouvoir l’emploi et la croissance durable
Observer les meilleures pratiques
Depuis le lancement du FEIS, des centaines de projets en ont bénéficié et chacun d’entre eux contribue à renforcer le caractère social, vert, innovant ou compétitif de notre continent. Les exemples ci-dessous donnent un aperçu des nombreuses retombées positives du FEIS.
Le FEIS disposait de sa propre structure de gouvernance spécifique, composée d’un comité de pilotage, d’un comité d’investissement et d’un directeur exécutif assisté d’une directrice exécutive adjointe.
Le comité de pilotage du FEIS a dirigé la mise en œuvre du Fonds afin de veiller à la bonne utilisation de la garantie de 2015 à 2020. Il a déterminé son orientation stratégique, notamment son profil de risque, les politiques opérationnelles et les procédures nécessaires à son fonctionnement et à ses opérations avec des plateformes d’investissement et des banques ou institutions nationales de promotion économique. Le comité de pilotage se composait de cinq membres : trois nommés par la Commission européenne, un par la BEI et le dernier - un expert sans droit de vote - par le Parlement européen.
Réunions du comité de pilotage – Procès-verbaux
Conformément aux dispositions de l’article 7 du règlement du FEIS, les procès-verbaux des réunions du comité de pilotage étaient publiés dès leur approbation par ledit comité.
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 December 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 October 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 July 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 May 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 April 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 February 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 January 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 23 November 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 7 September 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 4 July 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 6 June 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 10 May 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 04 April 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 14 March 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 18 February 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 28 January 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 08 January 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 15 December 2015
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 4 December 2015
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 20 November 2015
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 26 October 2015, reconvened on 30 October 2015
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 18 September 2015, reconvened on 2 October 2015
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 2 September 2015
- Minutes of the Meeting held the 22 July 2015
- Summary of discussions with the stakeholders held on 18 July 2019
- EFSI Stakeholders' consultation summary report - December 2018
- Summary of discussions with the stakeholders held on 18 October 2018
- Summary report of EFSI Stakeholders' consultation held on 8 December 2017
- Summary of discussions with CEEP, EASD and Housing Europe held on 10th July 2017
- Summary of discussions with National Promotional Banks and Institutions held on 9th February 2017
- EFSI Stakeholders' consultation summary report - September 2016
- Summary of discussions with Greenpeace and NPBs held on 4th July 2016
- Summary of discussions with Counter Balance, Bankwatch and WWF held on 6th June 2016
- Summary of discussions with BusinessEurope, EBF, ESBG and EACB held on 10th May 2016
Entre 2016 et 2020, le comité d’investissement du FEIS était chargé d’approuver l’utilisation de la garantie de l’UE, conformément aux politiques d’investissement du Fonds et aux exigences du règlement (UE) 2017/2396, pour des opérations de la BEI destinées à soutenir des investissements stratégiques au titre du volet Infrastructures et innovation.
Le comité d’investissement était composé du directeur exécutif, de son adjointe et de huit experts indépendants, nommés par le comité de pilotage.
Decisions and Rationales of the Investment Committee
Investment Committee decisions approving the use of the EU guarantee for EIB operations, including the rationales of the Investment Committee for these decisions, are publicly available. Projects for which the EIB and the client agreed on confidentiality until contract signature are listed in reports published once the projects were signed.
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in December 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in October / November 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in September 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in July 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in June 2020
- Catch-up report: decisions taken by the EFSI investment Committee in 2020 for projects previously subject to a confidentiality agreement, as of 18 May 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in May 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in April 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in March 2020
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in February 2020
- Catch-up report: decisions taken by the EFSI investment Committee in 2019 for projects previously subject to a confidentiality agreement, as of 16 December 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in December 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in November 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in October 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in September 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in July 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in June 2019
- Catch-up report: decisions taken by the EFSI investment Committee in 2018-2019 for projects previously subject to a confidentiality agreement, as of 17 May 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in May 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in April 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in March 2019
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in February 2019
- Catch-up report: decisions taken by the EFSI investment Committee in 2018 for projects previously subject to a confidentiality agreement, as of 21 December 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in December 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in November 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in October 2018
- Catch-up report: decisions taken by the EFSI investment Committee in 2018 for projects previously subject to a confidentiality agreement, as of 21 September 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in September 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in July 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in June 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in May 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in April 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in March 2018
- Catch-up report: decisions taken by the EFSI investment Committee in 2017 for projects previously subject to a confidentiality agreement, as of 25 January 2018
- Decisions taken by the EFSI Investment Committee in December 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 11 December 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 13 November 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 17 October 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 18 September 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 17 July 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 13 June 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 15 May 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 03 April 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 07 March 2017
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 30 January 2017
- Catch-up report: decisions taken by the EFSI investment Committee in 2016 for projects previously subject to a confidentiality agreement, as of 21 September 2018
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 07 and 08 December 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 10 November 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 10 October 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 20 September 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 14 July 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 13 June 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 17 May 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 04 April 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 07 March 2016
- Decisions of the Meeting held on 27 January 2016
Documents relatifs au FEIS
Conformément à l’article 7 du règlement instituant le FEIS, les documents relatifs au Fonds européen pour les investissements stratégiques (FEIS) sont rendus publics.
- Ex-Ante Derogations from EFSI Limits Post 2020
- EFSI Steering Board Activity Report
- Covid-19 Envelopes of financing for multiple underlying operations under IIW
- Study in response to ECA Recommendation 5: Improving the geographical spread of EFSI supported investment
- Response to ECA Audit Recommendation 5: Improving the geographical spread of EFSI supported investment
- Geographical eligibility of cross-border operations involving non-EU entities under EFSI
- EFSI Multiplier Methodology Calculation
- EIF - EFSI Multiplier Methodology Calculation
- Operating Policies and Procedures necessary for the functionning of EFSI
- Key Performance Indicators - Key Monitoring Indicators Methodology
- EFSI Strategic Orientation
- Transparency and Public Disclosure of Steering Board documents
- Investments in Funds in line with EFSI regulation
- Rules applicable to operations with investment platforms and national promotional banks or institutions
- Stakeholders Consultation on the Orientation and Implementation of the EFSI Investment Policy
- Transfer of part of EFSI EU guarantee from IIW to SMEW
- EIF SME Window Facilities
- SME Window: CDP-EIF Equity Co-operation Platform: Social Impact Italia EFSI Thematic Investment Platform for Social Impact Finance in Italy
- EIF - SME Window Guarantee Facilites
- SMEW Equity Product
- SMEW EUR 500m Increase
- SME Window EaSI Guarantee Enhancement
- EIF SME Window Frontloading Products
- SME Window Investment Platform with CDP
- EFSI Thematic Investment Platform for Technology Transfer in Italy
- EFSI multi-country Investment Platform for SMEs through securitisation
- 2022 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2022 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- 2021 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2021 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- 2020 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2020 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- 2019 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2019 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- 2018 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2018 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- 2017 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2017 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- 2016 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2016 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- 2015 Report to the European Parliament and the Council on 2015 EIB Group Financing and Investment Operations under EFSI
- Regulation (EU) 2017/2396 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2017 amending Regulations (EU) No 1316/2013 and (EU) 2015/1017 as regards the extension of the duration of the European Fund for Strategic Investments
- Regulation (EU) 2015/1017 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2015 on the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the European Investment Advisory Hub and the European Investment Project Portal
- Sixth amendment and Restatement Agreement on the Management of the European Fund for Strategic Investments and on the granting of the EU guarantee (April 2020)
- Framework partnership agreement on the European Investment Advisory Hub