Fiche récapitulative
Enel Green Power S.p.A.
Financing of the investment programme of Enel Green Power Romania for the development, construction and operation of three on-shore wind farms located in the regions of Dobrogea (Salbatica and Corugea) and Banat (Moldova Noua) for a total installed capacity of some 260 MW.
The project concerns the development, construction and operation of three Romanian wind farms with a total capacity of 258 MW: Salbatica 1 (70 MW), Salbatica 2 (70 MW), Moldova Noua (48MW) and Corugea (70MW). The projects will be equipped with 126 turbines with a unit capacity ranging from 2.0 to 2.3 MW and hub height between 95 and 101m. Furthermore each project will include the electrical grid to connect the different wind turbines, the civil works for foundations and infrastructure (e.g. access roads) as well as the substation and HV cable for the connection to the network.
The projects fall under Annex II of the EIA Directive 85/337/EC (as amended) and have been screened in by the national competent authorities which have required a full EIA including public consultation. According to the information available all project sites, located in the Dobrogea and Banat regions, may either be inside or close to Natura 2000 sites. During the appraisal the Bank will check whether the EIAs have been carried out in compliance with the EU Directives and in particular whether the competent environmental authority has performed an appropriate assessment of the impacts (including cumulative ones) of the wind farms on the affected protected natural sites as envisaged under the EU Habitats Directive.
Since the promoter is a public undertaking it will follow the EU Procurement Directive 2004/17/EC to procure the equipment and construction works according to the public procurement principles established in the EIB guide to procurement.
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