Fiche récapitulative
The loan will finance the development, installation and operation of innovative machines for the production of a novel silicon anode material. Such material will be used in the manufacturing of advanced lithium-ion battery cells, to run large-scale qualifications with OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and battery manufacturers, as well as to demonstrate serial production at scale. The project will be implemented by an innovative start-up that invented and developed the new silicon anode technology.
The new product will enable significantly increased energy density in lithium-ion batteries. The start-up has demonstrated production of its anode material at promising specifications in limited volumes at pilot plant scale. It now needs to develop and install a set of larger machines to demonstrate the first-of-its-kind production of the anode material at industrial scale. The machines will be installed in phases. The project is critical to reduce the time-to-market of this new product.
The operation supports the demonstration efforts of an innovative SME start-up to accelerate time to market. With its RDI activities and the interaction with suppliers and customers in the field of batteries, the project also contributes to Innovation and Skills. The licensing business model would allow for the rapid dissemination of the technology. By providing an alternative solution to the use of graphite in li-ion batteries, the project also contributes to reducing the EU's dependency on this critical raw material. The project will lead to significant indirect GHG savings through the innovations and developments in e-mobility and e-storage it induces.
Market failures are addressed:
1) imperfect competition in the field of battery, mainly served by dominant non-EU battery manufacturers all based on a battery technology (li-ion) that presents significant constraints to the development of e-mobility and e-storage, and to which the project brings a significant technology improvement;
2) the generation of knowledge benefits from RDI activities and the interaction with universities, suppliers and customers in development of new solutions for batteries, and the later licensing to third parties;
3) imperfect and asymmetric information, as the promoter is a start-up investing in innovative technology competing with established companies and technologies.
The project complies with relevant EU and national environmental legislation. The project is small, and its overall impact is not significant. The products resulting from the project will help accelerate the deployment of electric vehicles and energy storage systems, and thereby support the decarbonisation of transport and energy. In addition, the process is much more resources and energy efficient than the conventional anode process.
The promoter utilises procurement procedures, which are usual in the industry and are satisfactory to EIB. EU procurement Directives are not applicable
Clause de non-responsabilité
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À la une
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