In the midst of compounding crises over the past year, including the Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic and the growing impacts of climate change, the Complaints Mechanism has remained committed to addressing public concerns about EIB Group’s projects and activities around the world. In 2022, the Complaints Mechanism handled 97 cases and closed 53 of them. The majority of these complaints are related to environmental and social impacts of EIB-financed projects. Our Annual Report describes some of these cases. In 2022 we were pleased to finally be able to meet directly with our stakeholders again. We resumed site visits and in-person meetings with complainants, as well as with civil society as part of our outreach activities. Overall, the Complaints Mechanism is more committed than ever to strengthening EIB Group’s transparency and accountability.
Our Annual Report provides a good overview of what we do and how our activities ensure the EIB Group remains accountable to the public.
All editions of this publication
- EIB Complaints Mechanism Report 2021
- EIB Complaints Mechanism Report 2020
- EIB Complaints Mechanism Report 2019
- Mécanisme de traitement des plaintes – Rapport d’activité 2018
- Mécanisme de traitement des plaintes – Rapport d’activité 2017
- Mécanisme de traitement des plaintes – Rapport d'activité 2016
- Mécanisme de traitement des plaintes – Rapport d'activité 2015
- Mécanisme de traitement des plaintes – Rapport d'activité 2014
- Mécanisme de traitement des plaintes – Rapport d'activité 2013
- Mécanisme de traitement des plaintes – Rapport d’activité 2009-2012