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In February 2022, the EIB adopted an overarching environmental and social policy framework called the Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF), which includes revised EIB Environmental and Social Standards. For projects that went through EIB’s approval process before the entry into force of the ESSF, the 2018 Environmental and Social Standards apply.
The EIB Environmental and Social Standards provide an operational translation of the policies and principles contained in the 2009 EIB Statement of Environmental and Social Principles and Standards.
They are grouped across 10 thematic areas covering the full scope of environmental, climate and social impacts and issues.
They were originally adopted in September 2010 as part of the EIB Environmental and Social Handbook (the Handbook), which is subject to periodic review, revision and approval by the Bank’s Governing Bodies.
The Handbook is a "live" document that undergoes continuous improvement with the evolution of knowledge and experience, as well as changes in policy and practices.
These Standards were published in 2013 as part of a different document. In 2018, they were published in a stand-alone document, without any modification to the Standards themselves.
In 2020, a French translation was added.