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We lend to the public and private sectors. We support small companies through local banks and lend money to innovative start-ups. Mid-cap companies can receive direct support for research and development investments. 

Eight key benefits

Attractive pricing

The loan pricing reflects the EIB’s advantageous funding conditions on the market

Long terms

Our financing terms match the economic life of each project – which can sometimes exceed 30 years!

Up to 50% project cost covered

We typically cover up to 50% of a project’s total cost with loans starting at €25 million and even lower amounts in some cases.

Support for small businesses

To small and medium-sized enterprises our intermediated lending partners provide funds in amounts up to €12.5 million.

Project support

We offer our expertise in the financial and technical aspects of preparing a project, when needed.

Blended finance

Financing can be blended with additional sources of investment such as financial instruments and grants from the EU and other donors.

Signalling effect

EIB’s financing is often seen as a quality stamp, helping the project attract additional investors.

Bespoke financing

Loans can be secured or unsecured and provide different levels of subordination. Depending on the project, the loans can even be contingent on the company’s growth.

Loan products

Loans for the public sector

Loans starting at €25 million to public sector entities to finance a single large investment project or investment  programme, aligned with one or more priorities of the EIB.

Framework loans for public sector

Flexible loans to finance an investment programme consisting of smaller projects. The loan will have pre-defined objectives, 
aligned with one or more priorities of the EIB.

Intermediated loans for SMEs, mid-caps and other priorities

Loans to improve access to finance and financing conditions for SMEs and mid-caps, channelled through financial institutions.

Loans for the private sector

Loans to private sector entities to finance projects or investment programmes aligned with one or more priorities of the EIB. This product includes debt and hybrid debt financing.


Micro-loans and technical assistance to help people excluded from the economy and banking, via microfinance institutions and investment funds.

How to get support

Contact the EIB Information Desk for enquiries regarding the financing facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB.

Our products and services

We improve the lives of citizens in the EU and beyond. We support small businesses, while enhancing climate action and innovation. We also focus on energy transition and urban sustainability. We create prosperity for all EU regions, so that they reach their full potential.

Lending to clients of all sizes to support sustainable growth and job creation

Through our investments in equity and funds we stimulate and catalyse private capital

Not only covering risks of large and small projects, as well as loan portfolios

Technical and financial expertise for our clients