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The EIB has worked with Mali since 1978.

Our work has direct impact on the local communities. Through our financing, citizens in the country have better access to drinking water and sanitation systems but also to energy supply. Investments in modern infrastructure are crucial to ensure health and economic development.

Supporting small entrepreneurs across Africa is one of our focuses, and thus at the heart of our contribution to the Team Europe Global Response to COVID-19. We aim to strengthen financial inclusion by boosting private sector investments and entrepreneurship, through selected local banks and financial institutions.

To this end, through our €10 million loan to Kafo Jiginew, the leading microfinance institution in Mali, over 15,000 entrepreneurs and farmers, especially women, can benefit from 60,000 microloans, to start-up or expand. One of these is Yiriwaton dairy, a small agricultural business that buys milk from 150 local families and makes it safe and sellable. The microloan helped to ensure electricity supply, essential to ensure milk cooling and storage, which led to an increase in milk production and jobs, thus improving lives in rural areas.

At a glance

The EIB provides finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects in Mali.

EIB activity in Mali by sector

(since start of operations)

EIB stories in Mali

Individual stories speak far louder than figures and charts. Discover how our work improves the quality of life in Mali and beyond

Get EIB support in Mali

We can provide you with various types of financing to implement projects that promote growth and jobs in your country. We support small businesses, while enhancing climate action and innovation. We also focus on energy transition and urban sustainability. Get an overview here for the whole EIB Group product range

Do you need a loan to finance your project?

If you need a loan over EUR 25m,
contact us directly at:

If you need a loan below EUR 25m,
contact our local partners

Do you have a question?

For enquiries regarding the financing facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB, contact the Information Desk

Tel.  +352 4379-22000
Frequently asked questions

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Press office
Tel.  +352 4379-21000