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This page refers to the remuneration of members of the Governing Bodies. For information regarding the remuneration and benefits applicable to EIB employees, please go to our Careers section and find out how we invest in our employees.

Board of Governors

The members of the Board of Governors are ministers. Their participation in the Board of Governors is considered to be part of their ministerial duties. Therefore the Governors receive no remuneration from the EIB.

Board of Directors

The Directors, Alternate Directors, Expert Members and Alternate Expert Members of the Board of Directors receive €600 as a daily fee per meeting day and a €250 daily subsistence allowance to cover expenses if they have to stay overnight at the place of the meeting in Luxembourg. The Bank also reimburses the travel expenses incurred by members of the Board of Directors.

Management Committee

According to a rule established in 1958 by the Board of Governors, the President of the EIB receives the same monthly salary as the President of the European Commission, and the Vice-Presidents of the European Investment Bank receive the same monthly salary as the Vice-Presidents of the European Commission (Council Regulation (EU) 2016/300). The President and Vice-Presidents of the EIB do not receive a bonus.

Audit Committee

Audit Committee members do not receive remuneration from the Bank. For each meeting of the Audit Committee that they attend, members and observers of the Audit Committee receive a daily attendance emolument of €1,500 a day. In addition, the Bank pays a flat-rate subsistence allowance of €250 in addition to the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by individual Audit Committee members. The members of the Audit Committee do not receive a bonus and are not paid for preparation times between the meetings.

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