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Loan facility for the financing of projects promoted by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps mainly in Italy. At least 70% of the loan will be allocated to SME investments. At least 25% of the facility will be dedicated to Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability projects.
The purpose is to finance eligible projects promoted by small and medium-sized enterprises or local authorities operating in various sectors, including services, agriculture and tourism.
The CASSA DI RISPARMI DI BOLZANO LOAN FOR SMES AND MIDCAPS III will be structured as an MBIL dedicated to SMEs (at least 70%) and Midcaps (up to 30%), out of which at least 25% will support Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability projects.
In April 2021 CASSA DI RISPARMI DI BOLZANO (CRB) approved the 2021-23 Business Plan. ESG is the bulk bone of CRB's lending strategy. The bank is targeting to finance a portion of their Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability projects by the end of 2022.
The proposed operation will contribute to the EIB Climate Strategy by boosting investments aimed at tackling Climate Change and by increasing Climate Change awareness in Italy, which in turn should result in crowding-in of other potential investors.
The degree of correction of market failures vary project by project, from mature renewables and energy efficiency to investments addressing environmental externalities and infrastructure critical for decarbonisation. Investments in the environmental sustainability sector are expected to generate positive externalities by generating environmental benefits and increase public goods for society and increased resilience to climate change, which are not effectively reflected in market prices.
Overall, the project is expected to yield good quality and results, due to increasing the access to finance to SMEs and the the wider benefits to society the project promotes.
Through this operation additional resources will be channeled to finance eligible investments promoted by SMEs and Midcaps: the additional lending capacity provided through the EIB's intervention will generate positive effects on investments from the availability of long term financing and of overall lower financing costs.
Final beneficiaries will be requested to comply with applicable national and EU legislation, as appropriate.
Final beneficiaries will be requested to comply with applicable national and EU legislation, as appropriate.
Clause de non-responsabilité
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