- House of Europe
- Palisády 29
- 811 06 Bratislava
- Slowakei
- +421 222112120
- bratislava@eib.org
Weitere Pressemitteilungen
Slowakei: EIB hilft Bratislava bei der Modernisierung der Wasser- und Abwasserinfrastruktur
Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) gibt dem kommunalen Wasserversorger Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť (BVS) 50 Millionen Euro für die notwendige Modernisierung und Erweiterung der Wasser- und Abwasserinfrastruktur. Die EIB ist einer der weltgrößten multilateralen Investoren im Wassersektor. Die Finanzierung für BVS trägt auch dazu bei, die Wasser- und Abwasserversorgung besser an das EU-Regelwerk anzupassen. Das Projekt gewährleistet Trinkwasser von höchster Qualität in Bratislava und hilft BVS, mehr grüne Energiequellen wie Biomasse zu nutzen.
Slovakia receives €240 million EIB loan to co-finance green and digital projects supported by the EU
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a €240 million loan to Slovakia for co-funding of EU-supported green and digital projects across the country. The credit is the first part of an €800 million EIB loan approved to Slovakia for national contributions mandatory for European Union-supported project which bring billions of euros to member states annually.
Slovak companies gain financing momentum, EIB Investment Survey shows
Companies in Slovakia are on stronger financial footing than ever and business investments in the country are 10% above pre-Covid levels, according to a European Investment Bank (EIB) Group survey. More than three-quarters of Slovak firms have embraced advanced digital technologies and almost 90% have taken steps to guard against the effects of climate change, new country results from the EIB Group Investment Survey (EIBIS) show.