"With housing costs rising across the EU, we are working with experts, planners, and policymakers to improve living conditions, reduce energy costs, and support climate-friendly urban growth."
The EU commitment
The European Union, through the European Commission and the EIB Group, is committed to strengthening Europe's housing sector by providing the finance and expertise needed to build more innovative, energy efficient and affordable homes.
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"Far too many Europeans are struggling to find an affordable place to live. Addressing this is a key priority for the Commission. We look forward to working with all stakeholders, including the EIB Group, to attract the necessary public and private investments."
European Commission
EU initiatives to boost finance and advice
The EU is already supporting social, affordable and sustainable housing. There are a number of EU programmes to boost financing and technical advisory in this area. In 2024, the European Commission compiled a toolkit on housing showcasing the use of EU funds for investments in social and affordable housing and associated services.
A key role is played by cohesion policy, which has a long-standing tradition of supporting housing – making it more green, resilient and affordable. At the end of 2024, €7.5 billion of the EU budget was planned for housing in the cohesion policy programmes for the 2021-2027 period, mainly supporting energy efficiency of housing stock and social housing for vulnerable groups. Details are available in the story how cohesion policy supports housing at the Cohesion open data platform.
In the context of the European Affordable Housing Plan, the Commission will allow Member States to double the planned cohesion policy investments in affordable housing. The Commission services and the European Investment Bank are developing a model for financial instruments for affordable housing aiming to help the managing authorities to set up financial instruments contributing to support for housing.
The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is supporting a series of significant reforms and investments in housing across Member States. It is estimated that the full implementation of social housing investments can lead to 147 000 new or renovated dwellings in the EU.
Key reforms and investments included in the Recovery and Resilience Plans support social and affordable housing; energy efficiency renovations, including support for low-income families, people experiencing energy poverty, and other disadvantaged groups; emergency and temporary housing for vulnerable groups; reforms targeting the housing market, through legislative initiatives.
Several RRF measures that contribute to social housing also contribute to other RRF objectives, such as improving energy efficiency of existing building stock or ensuring that new buildings are compliant with energy efficiency criteria spelt out in relevant EU directives.
Thanks to the €26.2 billion EU guarantee, the InvestEU Fund is expected to mobilise more than €372 billion of additional investment across the EU, including in the area of social, affordable and sustainable housing. To date, more than 10 InvestEU Implementing Partners are deploying or planning to deploy equity and debt products (EIB Group, and other implementing partners like National Promotional Banks and International Financial institutions) to support social and affordable housing under the Social Investment and Skills Window.
Implementing Partners are also supporting energy efficiency for households under the SME Window and the Sustainable Infrastructure Window. Finally, innovation, i.e. technology and services, in the sector is supported with financial products under the Research, Innovation and Digitalisation Window.
The InvestEU Advisory Hub, the central entry point for project promoters and intermediaries seeking advisory support and technical assistance, is also supporting housing, with several advisory partners providing support in this area, in particular, the EIB through the European Local ENergy Assistance - which helps local and regional authorities enhance their capacity to develop and implement energy-efficient residential projects, thereby facilitating investment in affordable, sustainable housing solutions across the EU -, the Council of Europe Development Bank and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, the Italian National Promotional Institution.
Launched in December 2023, the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition aims to substantially increase private financing in energy efficiency, supporting the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and ultimately contributing to the EU’s energy and climate objectives. It brings together the European Commission, the 27 EU Member States, financial institutions and other relevant stakeholders, and combines the necessary political perspective and ownership at EU Member State level.
One of the first work priorities is to discuss and propose measures to direct more capital toward energy efficiency investments in the real estate sector, including residential, for a more sustainable and accessible building stock.
The LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme supports amongst other one-stop-shops for energy renovations, skills development, and actions to tackle energy poverty and negative housing conditions. It also facilitates the uptake of industrialised energy renovation solutions, provides project development assistance for energy renovations in social and public housing, offers technical support to cities and fosters investments.
Housing-related reforms and investments are also facilitated by the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), which has an annual call for requests for support. Acting in complementarity with RRF and cohesion policy funds, the TSI can support Member States in the design and implementation of housing reforms and facilitate exchange of expertise and good practices across the EU.
From 2026, the Social Climate Fund - European Commission will also be deployed to support the most vulnerable households facing energy poverty.
With over 450 member organisations present in over 40 countries and in all regions of the EU, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) provides a number of services to advise and support companies on access to finance, innovation, digitalisation, international partnering and sustainability with dedicated services such as the tailored financial advice and support, Sustainability advisors, the Supply Chain Resilience platform to help companies tackle bottlenecks and discover partnerships to transport their products or source what they need.
Fighting homelessness is also central for the EU. The 2021 Lisbon Declaration launched the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness to work towards the eradication of homelessness and to promote policies based on a person-centred, housing-led and integrated approach.
EIB Group's approach
The EIB Group, which consists of the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund, builds its approach on three core priorities:
Innovative housing
Modern building innovations such as modular design and digital technologies speed up construction, cut costs, and make housing more sustainable. In addition, innovative and inclusive planning helps to combine housing with other services to create dwellings with added social value to create a high quality of living in the neighbourhood.
Energy efficient housing
Energy efficient homes and renovations create healthier living spaces, lower household costs, and strengthen long-term energy security, while tackling a major sources of carbon dioxide emissions.
Affordable housing
Millions of Europeans face rising housing costs. Affordable homes build and strengthen stable communities.
EIB Group support
We provide loans, guarantees, equity investments, and advisory services to support construction, renovation, and innovation.
Debt financing
Tailored debt financing for housing construction and renovation to the public and private sector, as well as project finance.
Intermediated loans
Loans to financial institutions which then make more loans to companies and people in the housing market.
Equity investments
To venture capital and private equity funds.
Advisory services
Comprehensive support for all stages of a housing project, from technical assistance and financial structuring to capacity building.
EIB Group impact 2020-2024
Over the past five years, we provided €15.6 billion in financing for affordable and sustainable housing. We created more liveable, sustainable cities across Europe.
265 000 newly built homes
Affordable homes that create thriving neighbourhoods. They give families a place to build their futures.
400 000 homes renovated
Energy-efficient upgrades cut household bills and environmental damage. They improve living conditions and quality of life.
665 000 households with better housing
Better housing improves daily life, social stability and opportunities for Europeans.
Local housing stories
France: Birame's new apartment

Austria: Lots of room to rent
Featured projects
Social and affordable housing in Hannover
Direct lending
€60 million
15 000 housing units
Affordable housing in Szczecin
Direct lending
€19.2 million
250 housing units
Energy-efficiency in residential buildings
Guarantee (Portfolio Counter-Guarantee)
€225.7 million
161 000 units renovated
Spain - Portugal
Sustainable renovations
Mortgage portfolio structured investment
€50 million
6 650 units renovated
UCI Building Renovation MBIL
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An affordable housing plan
InvestEU Advisory Hub
Technical and financial advice
2 200 affordable rental apartments
EIB and Latvian
Photographer: EIB and Latvian
©EIB and Latvian
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Central and Eastern Europe
Affordable student housing
Equity investment
€50 million
3 500 student accommodations
Affordable student housing
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- yormesor@eib.org
- +352 2485 - 81346
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