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Die Weltwasserwoche ist die weltweit einflussreichste Initiative, die nach Lösungen für globale Wasserprobleme sucht. Die Konferenz wird jedes Jahr vom Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) organisiert.

Expertinnen und Experten, Vertreter aus der Praxis, Entscheidungsträgerinnen, Geschäftsinnovatoren und junge Fachleute aus verschiedenen Sektoren und Ländern können Kontakte knüpfen, Gedanken austauschen sowie neue Ansätze und Lösungen entwickeln, um den drängendsten Wasserproblemen von heute zu begegnen.

Die Europäische Investitionsbank, die zu den größten Geldgebern für den weltweiten Wassersektor gehört, legte auf der Konferenz dar, welche Rolle öffentliche Entwicklungsbanken bei der Finanzierung von Wasserprojekten spielen und wie wichtig der Aufbau klimaresilienter städtischer Wasserversorger ist.

Veranstaltungen mit Beteiligung der EIB

Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) cities face water resource management and service provision challenges due to increasing population and climate change. Extreme weather events and other climate change related incidents affect utilities’ capacity to deliver services. This session will bring in solutions to ensure resilience, efficiency, and reliability in the service provision.

This interactive discussion will cover solutions related to efficient management of infrastructure for service provision, such as the digitisation of operational and administrative processes, as well as innovation in processes and more agile adoption of new technologies. In addition, the session will focus on the financing of these solutions and the expansion of infrastructure to reduce the gaps in access and quality of services.

Our water expert Juan Bofill delivered a keynote intervention on sustainable finance and financing framework.

A Water Coalition launched by the AFD, CAF, the EIB and the WB together with SWA, has the aim, along with domestic development banks, to improve financing to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6, the Paris agreement goals and biodiversity protection by sharing knowledge, lessons learned and ways to increase co-financing.

As a follow-up, the session will share experiences, best practices, tools and instruments developed by Public Development Banks to accelerate financing in the Water Sector, as well as the enabling environment needed to mobilise innovative sources of financing, such as blended finance, climate funds or green/blue impact bonds, in accordance with the SDG6 Global Acceleration Framework that comprises optimised financing, capacity development, innovation and governance.

Paloma Pérez de Vega, EIB Head of Division-Project Finance Global Partners, delivered the closing remarks of the session.