Na letnem forumu Evropske investicijske banke „Investiranje v energijo, obvladovanje podnebnih sprememb" v Ljubljani (Slovenija) sta Evropska Komisija in Evropska investicijska banka danes napovedali uspešno uvedbo Sklada za financiranje na osnovi delitve tveganja (RSFF) – zadnjega v nizu skupnih pobud EIB in Evropske komisije. Ta inovativna možnost financiranja ima namen zagotoviti močno dodatno podporo razvojnim, raziskovalnim in inovacijskim projektom v Evropi. Prvi projekti financiranja s strani RSFF se osredotočajo na tehnologije obnovljivih energijskih virov, ki so za EIB ena od prednostnih nalog pri dajanju posojil v letu 2007.
Predsednik EIB Philippe Maystadt in Janez Potočnik, evropski komisar za znanost in raziskave, sta pohvalila strategijo delovanja RSFF, katerega prednostne naloge so sektorji, ki so ključne gonilne sile odličnosti na področju evropskih raziskav in inovacij ter imajo potencial, da postanejo pomemben vodilni trg za Evropo. Poleg tehnologij obnovljivih energijskih virov bo RSFF financiral projekte biotehnologije, inženiringa, proizvodnje in avtomobilske industrije, projektov informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije ter evropskih raziskovalnih infrastruktur.
Prve naloge financiranja EIB v okviru RSFF se nanašajo na projekte učinkovitosti obnovljivih virov energije, avtomobilske industrije, inženiringa in biotehnologije. Poleg tega nastaja pomembno povpraševanje v prednostnih sektorjih Lizbonske agende, 7. okvirnega programa EU, evropskih tehnoloških platform (ETPs – European Technology Platforms) in skupnih tehnoloških pobud (JTIs – Joint Technology Initiatives). Glavni prejemniki posojil RSFF bodo podjetja s srednje velikim kapitalom ter mala in srednja podjetja, pa tudi velika podjetja in javni/zasebni gospodarski subjekti.
Med prvimi raziskovalnimi in inovacijskimi projekti, izbranimi za podporo v okviru RSFF, so (gl.podrobnosti v prilogi):
- sončna toplotna centrala Andasol (Španija), gre za dve novi toplotni centrali z zbiranjem sončne energije, vsaka ima zmogljivost 50 MWe, zgrajeni pa bosta v dolini severno od Sierre Nevade;
- sončna toplotna centrala Solucar (Španija), še en projekt na področju central sončne toplotne energije, ki bo zgrajena zahodno od Seville, uporabljala pa bo tehnologijo, drugačno od tiste iz projekta Andasol;
- raziskovalna, razvojna in inovacijska dejavnost na področju obnovljivih energijskih virov (Španija) za razvoj najsodobnejše tehnologije na področju obnovljivih energijskih virov, zlasti proizvodnje in reformiranja bioetanola;
- energetska učinkovitost avtomobilov, AVL (Avstrija); za razvoj čistih in učinkovitih avtomobilskih pogonov in za raziskave na področjih vodikovih gorivnih celic, nanokompozitov in tehnologij motorjev, z namenom povečati energetsko učinkovitost in zmanjšati vpliv na podnebne spremembe;
- raziskovalna, razvojna in inovacijska dejavnost na področju avtomobilskih izpušnih in grelnih sistemov, Eberspächer (Nemčija): razvoj inovativnih tehnologij izpušnih in grelnih sistemov za osebne in tovorne avtomobile, tudi raziskave na področju termodinamike in pretočne dinamike ter obdelave izpušnih plinov ter blažitve hrupa;
- financiranje avtomobilske raziskovalne in inovacijske dejavnosti za podjetja s srednje velikim kapitalom ter mala in srednja podjetja (Nemčija), ki vključuje inovativno financiranje z „leasing tehnologijo“; slednja dobaviteljem originalnih avtomobilskih delov omogoča, da financirajo svoje raziskovalne, razvojne in inovacijske dejavnosti s prodajo svojih pravic intelektualne lastnine podjetju Deutsche Leasing, enemu vodilnih podjetij za leasing v Nemčiji, in poznejšim ponovnim najemom teh pravic;
- raziskovalna, razvojna in inovacijska dejavnost na področju biotehnologije – Zeltia Pharmaceutical (Španija); financiranje raziskovalnih dejavnosti, namenjenih krepitvi položaja podjetja na njegovih glavnih področjih dejavnosti, zlasti na področju onkologije in redkih bolezni, prek komercializacije štirih izdelkov za zdravljenje različnih oblik raka.
RSFF, inovativna oblika kreditnega financiranja, ki sta jo razvili Evropska komisija in EIB, obstaja od 5. junija 2007. Je del 7. okvirnega programa za raziskave EU (FP7 – 7th Framework Programme for Research) in pobude Evropske investicijske banke „Pobuda 2010“. RSFF ustvarja dodatno zmogljivost financiranja z višjim tveganjem do 10 milijard EUR v podporo raziskovalnim, razvojnim, tehnološkim, demonstracijskim in inovacijskim dejavnostim. Komisija (prek FP7) in EIB bosta vsaka prispevali do 1 milijardo EUR v RSFF, ki bo zagotovil potrebni kapital za pričakovana posojila in garancije EIB v višini več milijard EUR.
EIB bo izvajala financiranje prek RSFF v tesnem sodelovanju s pomembnejšimi nacionalnimi in regionalnimi bankami EU, ki zagotavljajo podporo za razvoj evropskih podjetij. Instrument RSFF bo znatno povečal vrednost, ki jo prispeva EIB, tako da bo prevzel del kreditnih tveganj, povezanih s tem financiranjem. To bo povečalo zmogljivost bank in drugih finančnih posrednikov, da podprejo raziskovalne, razvojne in inovacijske dejavnosti.
Andasol Solar Thermal Power (Spain)The project concerns two new concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) generation plants with a capacity of 50 MWe each, to be developed in a valley north of the Sierra Nevada, some 60 km southeast of Granada. The project consists of a field of parabolic troughs along which a vacuum tube circulates a fluid which heats up to over 400°C.The heat is then used in a heat exchanger to produce power in a vapour turbine.
The implementation of the plants will play an important role in the demonstration and development of solar thermal power technology and is in line with the EU energy policy to promote the use of indigenous renewable energy. The EIB’s long term loan of EUR 120m provided to the Special Purpose Vehicles promoting the projects will contribute to reducing the overall project cost. Through their financial contributions, the EIB, the banking syndicate and the sponsors are giving a strong endorsement of the potential benefit of this technology.
Solucar Solar Thermal Power (Spain)The operation concerns the development, construction and operation of two concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) generating plants, one of 11MW and another of 20MW capacities, in Sanlúcar la Mayor, in the West of Sevilla. Although a CSP project like Andasol, it uses a competing technology.
The project, which consists of a field of heliostats (mirrors) to concentrate solar radiation on a tower mounted thermal receiver, will be the first large scale application of this technology in the EU. Similar to the Andasol project, the objective of the projects consists in the large scale demonstration and development of CSP technology. The EIB’s involvement in the form of a long term loan of EUR 50m provided to the Special Purpose Vehicles promoting the projects have contributed to improvements in the terms and conditions upon which the Borrower can finance the investment (
Renewables and Energy Technologies RDI - Abengoa (Spain)
The RSFF financing supports RDI investments of the Spanish Abengoa group in a range of advanced technology fields, including notably renewable energy technologies related to the production and reforming of bio-ethanol. The group is one of the largest bioethanol producers in Europe. Furthermore, the RDI project involves the development of technologies for the production of hydrogen from renewable sources and uses it in fuel cells for the production of thermal and electrical energy.
The EIB’s long term loan of EUR 49m under RSFF will reinforce Abengoa’s financial capacity to implement its important RDI investment programme.
Automotive Energy Efficiency – AVL (Austria)
AVL is a leading, family owned technology and engineering specialist focusing on powertrain/engine and related technologies. With approximately 3400 employees and a successful track record of providing cutting-edge technologies for more than 50 years, the company offers research and development support to many major car manufacturers worldwide. AVL has developed several innovative break-through powertrain technologies and has established a strong reputation in fuel saving technologies for powertrain systems. This, combined with the company’s strong network of cooperation partners, should contribute positively to achieving the European objectives of higher energy efficiency and lower CO2 emissions from transport.
As a leading coordinator of the European Technology Platform for Embedded Systems (ARTEMIS) AVL is also an important enabler for the industry, notably in the areas of energy efficiency and emission reduction. The EUR 30m EIB loan will support the development of clean and efficient automotive power trains, decreasing emissions and reducing the impact of transport on climate change.
The project also involves research in the areas of hydrogen fuel cell technology, nanocomposites and engine technologies improving energy efficiency. (
A further RSFF loan was extended to RDI investments in exhaust technology and heating systems for cars and trucks. The investments specifically concern the field of thermo and flow-dynamics, exhaust gas treatment and noise reduction strategies, as well as the development of technologies for the use of alternative, regenerative fuels for heating purposes to be applied in mobile and domestic heating systems or for thermal destruction of pollutants. The EUR 30m EIB loan with its long tender will increase Eberspächer’s capacity to invest in its medium and longer term innovation programme. (
Other RSFF Loans
The remaining financings under RSFF to date concern the engineering, automotive and biotechnology sectors:
Automotive Research & Innovation Facility for Midcaps and SMES (Germany)
This involves a first risk sharing facility with a German bank and a leasing company for the financing of RDI investments of SMEs and Midcaps. This facility involves a guarantee scheme under which the EIB will cover up to 50% of the intermediary’s funding participation in each RDI project meeting pre-defined criteria. The innovative aspect of the facility lies in the use of "Technology Leasing", under which automotive suppliers can finance their RDI activities through the sale and lease-back of their intellectual property rights (IPRs) to Deutsche Leasing, a leading leasing institute in Germany.
Biotechnology - Zeltia Pharmaceutical RDI (Spain)
The operation concerns the financing of the RDI activities of PharmaMar, the biopharmaceutical company of the Spanish Zeltia group. The R&D activities financed are aimed at strengthening the company’s position in its priority areas, primarily oncology, through the successful commercialisation of four products targeting different forms of cancer that are currently under development. The company is particularly R&D intensive and focuses on rare or orphan diseases, constituting smaller and therefore less attractive markets for the larger pharmaceutical companies. The EIB’s loan of EUR 30m provides for additional longer term financing, enabling the company to conclude the next step of the medicines development process. (