Thomas Froimovici
- European Investment Bank
- 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
- L-2950 Luxembourg
- Luxemburg
Mehr als sechs von zehn Menschen (64%) in Österreich rechnen damit, dass der Klimawandel sie zwingt, ihre Lebensweise zu ändern. Das geht aus der jüngsten jährlichen Klimaumfrage der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) hervor. Die Befragten nannten den Klimawandel nach den Lebenshaltungskosten und hoher Migration als drittgrößte Herausforderung ihres Landes. Viele sind davon überzeugt, dass höhere Investitionen in die Klimaanpassung jetzt höhere Kosten in der Zukunft verhindern werden.
Most respondents in Belgium recognise the need to adapt their lifestyle due to the effects of climate change, according to the annual Climate Survey commissioned by the European Investment Bank (EIB). Among the challenges facing Greece, respondents ranked climate change second only to the cost of living. Many believe that investing in adaptation now will prevent higher costs in the future.
Most Bulgarian respondents recognise the need to adapt their lifestyle due to the effects of climate change, according to the annual Climate Survey commissioned by the European Investment Bank (EIB). Among the challenges facing their country, Bulgarian respondents ranked climate change fifth, after political instability, cost of living, unemployment and access to healthcare. Many believe that investing in adaptation now will prevent higher costs in the future.