Bei der Branchenkonferenz PRI in Person in Paris stellte Präsident Hoyer in seiner Keynote-Rede am 11. September das Engagement der Europäischen Investitionsbank für Klimaschutz und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit vor. Er betonte, dass die EIB zudem wesentlich dazu beitragen kann, privates Kapital in nachhaltige Investitionen zu lenken.
Multilateral Development Banks Welcome G20 Roadmap for MDB Reform
The Heads of 10 multilateral development banks (MDBs) welcomed today the endorsement [link to G20 Rio Declaration] by G20 Leaders of the G20 Roadmap towards Better, Bigger, and More Effective MDBs. The Roadmap outlines a comprehensive vision for continuing to reform MDBs to better address regional and global challenges, create more jobs and opportunities, and support countries to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the goals of the Paris Agreement.