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The ELENA facility provides technical assistance grants for the design and implementation of energy efficiency, building integrated renewable energy investments and innovative urban transport.

Led by a team of engineers and economists with extensive experience in the field, the facility awarded more than €330 million of EU support since 2009. Our grants have generated an estimated investment of around €11.2 billion.

ELENA is a joint initiative by:

What we offer

We provide technical assistance grants for public and private entities, covering up to 90% of the project’s preparation costs. Our support focuses in the following three areas:

Energy efficiency

We support the preparation of projects that improve energy efficiency and renewable energy use in buildings. Such projects include:

  • energy efficiency in residential and non-residential buildings
  • energy efficiency in production facilities from small and medium-sized businesses and midcaps
  • building-integrated renewables, such as solar panels
  • public lighting
  • district heating, including combined heat and power plants, and biomass boilers
  • smart grids

  We support investment programmes above €30 million with a three-year period.

Residential sector

We help private individuals and homeowner associations prepare and implement energy efficiency renovations and renewable energy projects for residential buildings, targeting privately and publicly owned:

  • single-family buildings
  • multi-family buildings

  We support investment programmes above €30 million with a three-year period.

Sustainable transport

We provide technical assistance grants to innovative transport and mobility projects that save energy and reduce emissions. We particularly support:

  • projects that promote the use of alternative fuels in urban mobility, such as converting vehicle fleets from diesel to electric and hydrogen-fuelled
  • investments in new, large-scale, energy-efficient transport and mobility measures in urban areas, for example tram lines

  We support investment programmes above €30 million with a four-year period.


Who is eligible

We can provide technical assistance to the following types of entities:

  Projects receiving grants should not aim to generate profit.

What is eligible

Eligible activities for ELENA grants include:

How to apply

Do you have a plan for a sustainable investment that could benefit from ELENA technical assistance? Contact us at and use the pre-application form.

If your project meets the eligibility criteria and is selected for full appraisal, our experts will help you develop, refine and finalise a request for approval by the European Commission. At this step you will need to complete one of the following forms:

You will also need to fill the declaration by the applicant. By submitting the declaration, you agree to ELENA’s Privacy Policy.

The European Commission will provide the final approval based on our assessment.

Our projects


Discover how ELENA helps public authorities and private entities implement energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable transport projects.

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