- Labs Tower
- Foti Pitta 4
- CY-1065 Nicosia
- Zypern
- nicosia@eib.org
Weitere Pressemitteilungen
La BEI soutient la société publique locale Eau du Ponant pour la modernisation de son réseau d’eau et son adaptation au changement climatique
La Banque européenne d’investissement et Eau du Ponant ont signé un accord de prêt de 80 millions d’euros afin de financer dans les cinq prochaines années les plans pluriannuels d'investissement de Brest Métropole et de la Communauté d'agglomération du Pays de Landerneau-Daoulas, portés par la société publique locale. En charge de la production et de la distribution de l’eau potable ainsi que de la collecte et du traitement des eaux usés Eau du Ponant est la première SPL de l’eau à bénéficier en France d’un accompagnement de la BEI.
Almost €80 million in EU investment to modernise Cambodia’s agricultural sector and to boost farmers’ access to domestic and global markets
EIB Global – the European Investment Bank’s global arm – and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) of the Kingdom of Cambodia have signed an agreement today for a €15 million EU grant to support the Agriculture Services Programme for an Inclusive Rural Economy and Agricultural Trade (ASPIRE-AT). A key priority for the Cambodian government, ASPIRE-AT aims to modernise the agricultural sector, enhance food security and strengthen export potential. This grant supplements a €60 million loan from EIB Global and €4.5 million of support from the European Union for technical assistance, which will be implemented by the European Investment Bank (EIB). This brings the total of EU-backed investment in the programme to nearly €80 million. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the UN’s rural development agency, is co-financing the programme with $49 million.
Dalla BEI 160 milioni di euro per aiuti alle micro, piccole e medie imprese toscane
Sostenere gli investimenti e il fabbisogno di capitale circolante delle micro, piccole e medie imprese toscane. Questi sono gli obiettivi del pacchetto di finanziamento da 160 milioni di euro approvato dalla Banca europea degli investimenti (BEI) a favore della Regione Toscana. La fase operativa dell’iniziativa è stata avviata oggi a Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati a Firenze dal Presidente della Regione Toscana Eugenio Giani e dalla Vicepresidente della BEI Gelsomina Vigliotti.