Tsvetelia Tsolova
- European Investment Bank
- Sofia Office
- 9 Moskovska Street
- 1000 Sofia
- Bulgarien
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing Bulgaria-based Postbank with a €75 million guarantee to expand financing for middle-sized companies in the country and strengthen the domestic economy. Postbank, part of the Eurobank Group, will use the EIB backing to unlock as much as €150 million in loans for Bulgarian businesses.
Almost eight in 10 Bulgarian companies – 79% – have acted to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, according to a European Investment Bank (EIB) Group survey. Bulgarian businesses also are more likely than firms elsewhere in the European Union to have women in senior positions or as company owners, new country results from the EIB Group Investment Survey (EIBIS) show.
Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) vergibt einen Kredit von 250 Millionen Euro an Bulgarien. Mit dem Geld kann das Land EU-geförderte Projekte kofinanzieren und die Entwicklung in Bereichen wie Energieeffizienz, Wasser, Verkehr und Forschung vorantreiben. Dies stärkt die Wirtschaft und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Bulgariens und verbessert die Lebensqualität.